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Как будет на английском записная книжка


Notebooks are an essential tool for many people, but do you know the correct way to refer to them in English? In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about notebooks, bookshelves, and naming books in English.

Section 1: What is a Notebook?

A notebook is a pocket-sized (A6) notepad with various types of line spacing and paper attachments. In the West, notebooks are often referred to as journals.

  • A notebook is a pocket-sized notepad
  • Various types of line spacing and paper attachments
  • In the West, notebooks are often referred to as journals
  1. Section 2: Bookshelves in English
  2. Section 3: Naming Books in English

Section 2: Bookshelves in English

The correct term for a bookshelf in English is "bookshelf." Here are some examples:

  • "There are only books on the bookshelf."
  • "I need to organize my bookshelf."

Section 3: Naming Books in English

When naming books or articles, all words except the first word should be written in lowercase. Important words in journal titles and publisher names should be capitalized.

  • All words except the first word should be in lowercase
  • Important words in journal titles and publisher names should be capitalized

Section 4: What is an eBook?

An electronic book, or eBook, is a digital version of a book stored and displayed on a screen in a digital format.

  • An eBook is a digital version of a book
  • It is stored and displayed on a screen in digital format


In conclusion, it is important to use the correct terminology when referring to notebooks, bookshelves, and naming books in English. Remember to use lowercase for all words except the first word in book and article titles and capitalize important words in journal titles and publisher names. With this information, you are now ready to talk about these topics in English like a pro!

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